Saturday, July 29, 2006

We have babies!

Two days ago we discovered that one of our fish had babies. We are not sure which one but we believe it to be Violet, the molly. Currently, there are two female fish in our tank, one guppy and one molly. We think that the babies are molly babies. After they were born, we had to trap them all in a net because the two fish were eating them. The final grand baby total is 4. Since the tramatic experience, we have purchased a small floating tank for the little babies to grow in. They will be released in about 3-4 weeks.

First Bubble

We were chemists this afternoon. We made gum!

After the gum was ready Mia tested her bubble blowing abiltiy. TADA! She has made her first bubble!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This is a Variegated Fritillary Caterpillar, and it was found feeding on Myles's Pansies.

Joys of Gardening

The garden is in full bloom, and a little overgrown...

I have just recently discovered that my favorite smell in the garden right now is the Echinacea. I never knew the flowers could be so amazing. I wish this picture could be a scratch-and-sniff.

and who doesn't love the Passion Flower...

Harvested onions

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Fridleys Gap

Another hike at Fridleys Gap. On our journey Mia wanted to take a rocky climb to the top of a mountain.

this is what we saw... ahhhhhh

Monday, July 24, 2006

Changing Color

Today Mia started to experiement with color. She cut a variety of plants and flowers from the garden and added food coloring to the water. So far we can see a tiny bit of blue absorbing in the daisy petals. (thank you Phoebe for the idea!)


Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

We HEART Thunder

The kids were able to enjoy another day of horseback riding. Thunder is an old horse and when we were done riding he was thankful.

Shown below, a proud Mia and a big smile from little brother.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Yesterday we went on the most amazing, incredible hike. 4.2 miles! Yes, the kids made it! Myles was a little upset with us and he could not find anything good about the hiking experience "I do not have a favorite thing". However today his story changed and he loved going to the top of the mountain. The view was unbelievable!
Directions to Wolf Gap recreation area

Pictured below are the famous hikers, Mia and Myles

Monday, July 10, 2006

Birthday Adventure

Safari Park was our first stop. We had a blast feeding the animals.

After that encounter Myles quickly handed me his bucket. He was not expecting the animal to stick its head in our car.

Mia learned plently about animals during this adventure (ask us sometime about the pot-bellied pigs). She loved the zebras but be careful because "Zebras bite!"

The Osrich turned out to be Myles's favorite animal experience. We loved how they toss their food back into their mouth.

Chad became pals with a Watusi.

The babies were sooo adorable.

Say good-bye to our bucket! A hungry moose caputred our bucket and when he was finished he moved on to the next car to do the same.

On Sunday, we traveled to Staunton and rode the train in Gypsy Park. Myles was in love!

FuNsChOol Hike

Fridleys Gap was beautiful! We had a spectacular time enjoying the waterfalls, climbing on rocks, and dipping our toes in the icy water (some kids immersed their bodies).

Friday, July 07, 2006

Over the 4th

Thanks again for the visit!

Corie is proudly wearing a Kelly original.

Thursday, July 06, 2006